
“To unravel the mysteries of the universe, one must transcend the boundaries of the impossible.”


The Paragon of Ambition, Divinus draws on genki to bestow the powers of clairvoyance and retrospection. Divinus Seraphs are often looked to as prophets, psychics, and fortune-tellers. Divinus is seen as one of the three most taxing Paragons, alongside Consilium and Inspirante. On more than one occasion has the mental fortitude required for Divinus jumon proven to be too much for Seraphs, leaving them comatose or driving them mad. Due to such risks, there are far fewer Divinus Seraphs on Kylia. However, those who are able to master the jumon are afforded powers that many argue far exceed the cost.

List of Known Divinus Jumon

In progress…

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