
“One who masters their own soul holds the key to mastering the world, for true victory comes from within.”


The Paragon of Unity, Inspirante utilizes genki to let one infuse and connect their soul with others. Among the most dangerous to learn, Inspirante Seraphs train to split their soul into pieces, transferring parts into other creatures so as to develop an everlasting bond with them. In doing so, they are able to think, feel, see, and act as if they were those beings. Useful for a variety of reasons, it also makes an Inspirante Seraph theoretically immortal, so long as at least part of their soul continues to persist in a living body. Inspirante users follow rather diversified career paths depending the kind of beings they split their souls into. Some choose to go into business, leveraging their powers to control creatures to create product at-will. Others will elect to become military reconnaissance or Vikari’i, commanding multiple creatures at once to survey large areas in a matter of seconds.

List of Known Inspirante Jumon

In progress…

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