
“The ultimate power lies in the art of creation, for it paints the very fabric of reality.”


The Paragon of Courage, Interritus centers around converting genki into physical emissions of elemental energy. Hurling spears of ice, summoning lightning spirits, or launching balls of fire are all within the realm of capability for Interritus Seraphs. Although many consider Interritus to be the most combat-oriented of the seven Paragons as most of its jumon are on the more destructive side, Interritus does have its uses outside of fighting. Interritus Seraphs can use their powers to provide electrical power to a generator or even whole plant if they are strong enough. Alternatively, putting out fires with water-based jumon or blowing a sail with wind jumon are other potential-use utility cases. In general, however, you will often see Interritus users as members of the military or Hadrai’da, putting their powers to use in battle.

List of Known Interritus Jumon

In progress…

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