The liquid form of genki, daraku is the secondary natural state of matter genki is found in. Daraku can be extracted from certain flora on Kylia and is extremely valuable as a commodity, due to its primary use as the method by which Seraphs replenish the genki in their own bodies. Harvested daraku must be processed and refined before it can be used by Seraphs. Daraku color is grayish-clear when raw or unrefined, and turns pearlescent clear-white once it has been processed. Through this refinement process, the substance undergoes a series of extensive operations where toxins and bacteria are intricately removed, ultimately creating a product safe for humanoid/non-native species. It is usually sold in vials, as Seraphs will most commonly inject daraku when replenishing their genki levels.
As a commodity, daraku is traded frequently. Depending on the purity of the daraku, price and supply can fluctuate greatly. The purer and more concentrated the daraku is, the rarer and more expensive it will be. Daraku farms and processing facilities are plentiful, with some villages being completely dependent on the Mojan brought in by this industry.