The main currency used on Kylia is the mojan (MJN). The mojan was originally created during the time of the old government, when it was decided that a universal currency would make transactions between races and planets easier. Even after the fall of the old government, the mojan remained the currency of choice. While there are now many other currencies on Kylia, most of which nation-specific, the mojan is considered the standard and is used as a reference point when converting between currencies and for evaluating the current state of the world economy.
Below is a table of the national currencies, as well as the exchange rate between them and the international mojan from the year 9653 A.R.. Note that prices may not reflect current market standards.
National Currency | Exchange Rate (NC:MJN) |
Pridwen (PDW) – Kingdom of Eternals | ~150:1 |
Aurelius (ARS) – Immortal Empire | ~2500:1 |
Lutis (LTS) – Dynasty of the Golden Lotus | ~12000:1 |
Yin (YIN) – Jade Destiny Sect | ~8:1 |
Note (NTE) – Phoenix Coalition | ~100:1 |
Grace (GCE) – Order of the Divine | ~6000:1 |