In a time long forgotten, when darkness and chaos roamed the land, there existed a fearsome ara’atan known as Nefuros the Abyssal Tyrant, a creature borne of nightmares and malevolence. Nefuros was said to be a being of immense power, capable of devastating entire citadels with a mere flick of its claws. While its attacks were deadly, its true power came from its mastery of Profectus. Seemingly unkillable, it possessed the ability to regenerate from any injury no mater how fatal it seemed.

Legends tell of an expert smith, known as Eamon the Forgemaster, who dared to challenge this very essence of evil itself. Armed with unmatched Callidus abilities and ancient knowledge, Eamon set out to forge a weapon imbued with the essence of his own strength and unwavering will. He spent years crafting a sword that could fell the mighty beast.
The blade that emerged from Eamon’s furnace was a sight to behold. Mixing ancient Thium metals with his superior craftsmanship, he had forged a blade so sharp it was said to have been able to cut even a shadow in half. However, Eamon knew a campaign against the Abyssal Tyrant would still be nigh impossible, and so he set out alongside a group of other skilled Seraphs.
Together with their unwavering determination, the party ventured forth on a perilous quest to confront the dark behemoth and bring an end to its reign of terror. After a long journey, they eventually found their target in the mouth of a large cave. The battle raged on for hours. Blow after blow was struck, jumon after jumon was cast against Nefuros, and still the great evil stood tall. Eamon’s Seraphs fought honorably and valiantly, but the beast proved too much for the group. One by one the Seraphs fell, until only a few injured remained.
Eamon rose from the ground, battered and blooded. With one last look of defiance and resolve, steeling himself in the face of Nefuros’ wicked presence, he charged forth at the monster. Putting all his strength into one last swing, he cleaved the ara’atan in half, shattering his great blade in the process. Nefuros’ body fell to the floor and Eamon fell to his knees in exhaustion. But before the survivors could celebrate, Nefuros started to heal once more.
Just as all hope was lost, Eamon thought to a plan. Together with a pair of Divinus and Inspirante Seraphs, he planed to lock away the spirit of Nefuros inside the broken blade. He believed the process was similar to that by which the ancient Jigari relics were made, but the exact technique had been lost to time. It was a race against time. With every passing second, Nefuros’ body grew back. Luck was on their side, however, and before Nefuros could restore himself, Eamon and his Seraphs completed their ritual. Eamon’s idea worked. Together with the Divinus and Inspirante Seraphs, he transmuted the Celestium Bone of the ara’atan into his broken blade. And in that moment, Eamon forged the first Jigari to be made in thousands of years.
The new blade was christened after the moniker the ara’atan gained in its time haunting Kylia, the Fang of the Abyss. However, Nefuros’ transmutation came with a steep and deadly price. The sword hungered for blood, craving the life force of those it encountered. Its insatiable thirst was so consuming that it demanded life energy each time it was drawn from its sheath, or else it would turn against its wielder, inflicting unimaginable pain and torment.
The Fang of the Abyss was a curse in and of itself. Whispers echoed within the mind of those who held it, driving them to madness and despair. Eamon himself, and many who possessed the blade after him fell victim to their own inner demons, succumbing to their darkest desires and committing heinous acts of violence.
It is said that those who dared to possess The Fang of the Abyss suffered terrible fates. Death would befall them in the most gruesome and harrowing ways, as if the sword itself reveled in the suffering it had caused. Whether it was a slow descent into madness, a tragic accident, or a merciless demise at the hands of their enemies, the end was always a grim and grisly one. Many sought its power, lured by the promise of invincibility and dominion over their enemies. However, none could escape Nefuros’ wrath, for the sword’s curse was unyielding and merciless.
As the years rolled by, the legend of the The Fang of the Abyss grew, spreading tales of its nature and the horrors that awaited those who dared to wield it. It became a cautionary tale; a reminder of the darkness that dwells within the hearts of who covet power over others and the consequences they face.
To this day, The Fang of the Abyss remains a relic of ancient times, hidden away somewhere in the darkest depths of a forgotten tomb or lost in the treacherous jungles of an uncharted land. It waits, patient and hungry, for the next unfortunate soul who dares to draw it from its sheath, sealing their fate and perpetuating the legend of the dark sword that brings only misery and death.