Titles are a form of honorific or label on Kylia, bestowed upon individuals who have performed some sort of recognized feat or achievement. Often this is done by demonstrating a profound degree of prowess or mastery in a field, by virtue of prolonged service in a single position, or accomplishing an otherwise impossible task. All titles are formatted as “The __”, with the blank replaced with a fitting noun, adjective, or combination of the two. “The Sorcerer”, “The Oracle”, and “The Grand Mariner” are all examples of titles bestowed on people on Kylia.
Official titles are only granted by the Azuran House of Representatives, whose members are comprised of figureheads from all six major nations, and thus are globally recognized. Should a title-bearer perish or pass away, their title will either become available for another candidate to be given, or retired if it is agreed upon by the House that the person’s accomplishments were great enough to be immortalized.
Unofficial titles are commonly found amongst communities or within individual factions or Olmorani guilds. These such titles are considered more akin to nicknames, but serve a similar purpose of highlighting an individual’s actions or persona. These unofficial titles can also sometimes stem from infamy, highlighting particularly noteworthy criminals or other ne’er doers as such.