Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 3′-5′ (91-152 cm)
Average Weight: 90-125 lbs (40-55 kg)
Average Life Expectancy: 40-50 years
Skin: Soft, earth-tone colored fur, covering rough, leathery hide, thick enough to endure minor burns and cuts without issue
Notable Features: Large, pointy ears, brown-orange-green fur and skin color, diminutive and stocky frame, 4-digit hands and feet, immune to most poison
A diminutive, but durable species, the karlik are resilient beyond question. Such is why the nirgul chose to enslave them and use their talents as a labor force, as their innate affinity for trade skills and near-infinite endurance were invaluable assets. Luckily for the karlik, they are free to pursue their own dreams now on Kylia.
Early Civilization
The karlik are a small, tough species hailing from the dwarf planet Karlinia. An extremely rocky and sparse location forced the karlik to evolve in ways that maximized their survivability and endurance. Karlik can go weeks without eating and can recover from injury quicker than most other species. They lived mostly underground on Karlinia, and at some point developed the ability to spit an acid capable of dissolving rock, which helped in the excavation of sites for subterranean cities and structures.
At some point in time, the already space-faring nirgul came across Karlinia and conquered it. Enslaving the karlik to use as a labor force, the nirgul would export the entiretly of diminutive species off of their homeworld. The karlik would spend generations aboard nirgul battlecruisers as they traversed galaxies in search of bountiful planets to drain the resources from.
The Resonance
Still serving as slaves when the Resonance ping reached the karlik, they had no choice but to obey orders from the nirgul to seek out the origin of the signal. But by this point, many karlik were fed up with slavery and had begun to plot rebellion in secret, hoping to use whatever the source of the Resonance was to their advantage.
Journey to Kylia
The revelation of the Acarias galaxy and the abundant life on Kylia turned out to be exactly what the karlik needed. The first few expeditions the nirgul sent to the planet’s surface never returned and it would later be found out that the karlik who were sent as parts of these early missions overthrew their captors and began establishing small, independent colonies on Kylia. These colonies would work to intercept future nirgul-karlik expeditions in order to free more and more karlik. Once the nirgul caught on, larger miliary forces were sent to handle the insurgents, however, after complications involving the avarga and olari’i, who had already been on Kylia for a time, the nirgul backed down, not wanting to engage in an all-out war on three separate fronts. Thus, while it was not a full liberation, there were at least some karlik who managed to fight for their freedom and begin living independently in the early decades on Kylia.
Millennium War
A second opportunity to claim freedom for the karlik who remained with the Nirgul would come long after. Despite efforts to avoid conflict, the karlik would be roped into the Millennium War alongside the nirgul as they fought for control of the Acarias Galaxy against the avarga, umanu, olari’i, and saagas.
While details are unclear, it is evident the karlik who still lived as slaves staged a second rebellion at some point, fully breaking free from nirgul control for the first time since their enslavement on Karlinia.
After Unification
Golden Age
With their newfound freedom following the end of the war, the karlik would go on to begin integrating themselves into the budding, multicultural society that was emerging on Kylia. Many still bore great resentment toward nirgul in particular and there would continue to be an underlying level of hostility between the species, however, in general, the karlik were more preoccupied with enjoying the benefits of their freedom than holding grudges.
Formation of the Council
Perhaps one of the proudest moments in recent karlik history was the ascension of one of their species to becoming one of the Council of Seven. Many karlik rejoiced at what it meant symbolically as well as what it meant for their desired future to be considered equals among the other species.
The Fall
The karlik would continue to work and live as they had been, even after the Council’s departure and the formation of the various nations on Kylia. Due to their general lack of interest in politics and specialization in highly sought-after trade skills, karlik were welcomed anywhere. Some even returned to service under the Nirgul, this time as paid employees.
Post Fall
Current Kylia
At present, the karlik are integrated into a majority of the nations on Kylia. Especially in the Immortal Empire and Kingdom of Eternals, where their vocations are more highly desired, many karlik have found great socioeconomic success.
A separate faction of karlik that are descendants of the original rebels who escaped the nirgul prior to the Millenium War, live independently as hunter-gatherers and members of the Phoenix Coalition.
Because of their long servitude to the nirgul, the karlik lost a great deal of their old traditions and culture from their home planet. Following their emancipation however, they began to develop new practices as a means of both paying homage to and honoring their ancestors’ sacrifices and difficult past.
One such practice is the Etapith. A week-long ritual where karlik burn incense and carve rocks as a means of paying respects to loved ones who have passed away. Young karlik who have come of age in the past year are given new names that symbolize their connection to those who came before them.
Notable Karlik
In progress…