The term used to describe members of the three main guilds on Kylia. Each guild operates under the same skill-based contract system where guild members take on jobs relative to their ranking in their respective guilds. Upon successful completion of said jobs, Olmorani are provided proportionate monetary compensation and guild reputation points toward their next ranking.
Joining the Olmorani requires either a lengthy interview-based process with a turnaround time upwards of one year, or an invitation by a current member of one of the guilds with a high enough standing to be considered worthy of vouching for an individual. Current members of a guild are only allowed to vouch for up to two others per calendar year (regardless of whether or not they end up joining), and those individuals must be inducted into the same guild as the inviter.
The Olmorani guilds are known as the Hadrai’da, the Djinn, and the Vikari’i, with each specializing in a specific type of occupation:
The Hadrai’da focus on mercenary work, when hired guns or extra muscle is needed for a job. Oftentimes they work with Djinn as escorts.
The Djinn are primarily used for cargo and shipment-related services. They are known for their expertise in navigation and transportation.
The Vikari’i are bounty hunters who perform tasks that tend to be more unique or otherwise unconventional. Seeking out lost artifacts, exploring abandoned ruins, and hunting rare ara’atan are examples of some of the work the Vikari’i do.
Synchro Index
The Synchro Index is the system used by Olmorani to accept contracts. Contracts are sorted by guild, request type, difficulty grade, and compensation. The Synchro Index can be accessed at terminals in any guild HQ, Koura Vol bank location, or at many convenience stores worldwide.
Olmorani can only accept one contract from the Synchro Index at a time. The cancellation of a contract is considered an extremely dishonorable act, and requires the offending Olmorani to pay a fee equal to the amount they would have received should the contract have been completed to the job poster as well as an additional fee to the guild equal to .5x the aforementioned amount. They are also subject to additional punishment at their guild’s discretion.
The Koura Vol
While not technically part of the Olmorani, the Koura Vol exist as a planet-wise banking guild that handles nearly all of the monetary transactions of the Olmorani. Members of the guilds will claim earnings from the Koura Vol and can also store their money in high-yield savings accounts with the Koura Vol or sign up for credit or debit cards.