Physical Characteristics
Average Height: 5′-6′ (152-183 cm)
Average Weight: 120-180 lbs (55-80 kg)
Average Life Expectancy: ∞
Skin: Gelatinous, extracellular matrix (mesoglea), sandwiched between a thin epidermis and a gastrodermis underneath
Notable Features: While still distinguishable from other species, saagas are know to have extremely diverse appearances/appendages (tentacles, antennae, tails, etc.) from one-another
A genderless species that reproduces asexually and is physically immortal, the saagas are by far the most unique and enigmatic of the sentient species on Kylia. The saagas believe that they are all descendants of a single progenitor, the Great Saaga. The ultimate goal of a saagas is to find a means by which to reunite themselves with their progenitor.
Early Civilization
Due largely in part to the means by which they reproduce and the knowledge that they are all part of the same original being, the original saagas society on their home planet of Mul operated as the theoretically ideal implementation of communism, where socioeconomic classes, individual wealth, and even a centralized government did not exist. Greed, self-interest, and other personal desires were not even concepts to the saagas, and as such, every action and choice was made with consideration for the benefit of the collective whole. The saagas lived peacefully, deathlessly, happily, until they heard the Resonance.
The Resonance
When the Resonance Ping reached the ears of the saagas, something changed in their psyche. It did not affect all saagas, but a large enough population that prompted the desire to seek out its origin. This notion of wanting to leave their home planet and their people went against everything the saagas had previously believed in. Many who were not influenced by the Resonance considered those who wished to find it, disillusioned and lost. The resulting events are unclear in regards to exactly what happened or changed between those who did or did not want to seek out the Resonance’s origin, but at some point, for whatever reason, the saagas did end up venturing forth, toward the Acarias Galaxy and to Kylia.
Journey to Kylia
One of the great mysteries of Kylia is how the saagas arrived on the planet to begin with. Some speculate that the most powerful of the saagas had the ability to bend time and space itself, and merely walked between planets. Obviously many conclude this to be illogical, but no proof has arisen that renounces such a theory.
Millennium War
Still not particularly used to fighting, or any sort of conflict for that matter, the Millennium War was a large wake-up call for the saagas. Not only was Kylia their first exposure to other sentient, alien species, but the ideals and beliefs they brought with them were wholly new as well. Although immortal age-wise, the saagas are not invulnerable, thus the Millennium War was the first time saagas died involuntarily. The saagas began to believe that their migration to Kylia was a mistake. However, for whatever reason, they were unable to return to Mul the same way they left, thus sparking a new wave of religious practice amongst the saagas, who began to believe the only way to find a way back was to transcend the moral plane and reunite with their progenitor, the Great Saaga.
After Unification
Golden Age
The Golden Age was not so much one for the saagas, as in the centuries following the Millennium War, the saagas would find out that while their bodies did not age, being on Kylia did in fact, age their minds. The process was still far longer than the average life expectancy of any other species on Kylia, but if a saagas failed to reach enlightenment before they were around 900-1000 years old, they would see a decline in neural functions that would eventually render them comatose. For those saagas who met this sort of fate, a new ritual was developed that essentially helped them pass away and symbolically return to being a part of the Great Saaga.
Formation of the Council
Although a member of the saagas was selected to be a part of the Council of Seven, the saagas were not pleased. The member chosen was one of the saagas who had abandoned their duty to the community in search of greater purpose and had inevitably chosen to pursue the path of a Seraph out of a greater sense of self-interest. As this went against the core values of the saagas, the member was essentially exiled from the collective of Kylian saagas and their name shunned by the species.
The Fall
As time went on, and conditions on Kylia worsened, especially throughout the course of the Fall, more and more young saagas would walk a similar route as the saagas council member, abandoning the old ways in favor of seeking out a life on their own. This created a large rift between the older and younger generations of saagas, one that has yet to be reconciled.
Post Fall
Current Kylia
At current, there are around an equal number of saagas who choose to retain the old ways as there are who have sought lives more akin to what other species would consider “normal”. Those who tend to retain the traditional pursuit of enlightenment can almost exclusively be found in the floating cities and underwater colonies of the Jade Destiny Sect, whereas the saagas who chose a different path can be found all over Kylia as olmorani or other professional vocations.
Originally, for most saagas, there was one, singular goal in life: enlightenment. From the day they are born, saagas begin rigorous and intensive training to reach such a state. The path upon which countless generations of saagas have tread centers around two main pillars: Xin (knowledge) and Shen (sacrifice). The level of mastery of these pillars directly correlates to one’s progress toward enlightenment. Equal mastery of the two provides the purest form of enlightenment, however saagas have also been known to reach a lesser state of enlightenment if they chose to focus primarily on one pillar.
The pure enlightened saagas who have maintained a balanced mastery are known as Yi. Those who are enlightened after mastering solely Xin or Shen are called Baan. Those currently on the path, but not yet enlightened are known as Gak. And any saagas who renounced the goal of enlightenment for worldly pursuits is called a Sien.